之前推薦過一些美國影集, 這次要推薦的是Brooklyn Nine Nine 神煩警探
故事背景是紐約的布魯克林區的一個警察局, 裡面的警官都很白癡XDD 屬於單元喜劇
主角是上面這個抱著絨毛抱抱熊的警官Jake, 同事們各有特色也各個無腦, 長官也是一個冷面笑匠
覺得這些部屬很白癡但是還是要跟他們一起工作, 每次出勤都很無厘頭, 很適合無聊的時候
或吃飯的時候隨便點開一集來看XDD 對話也都很實用, 可以學到一些很口語的用法!
"Do you know any scalpers?" 你有沒有認識黃牛阿?
scalper(n.): a person who resells shares or tickets at a large or quick profit.
"He is so suave." 他真溫文爾雅
suave(adj.): (especially of a man) charming, confident, and elegant.
" He's grumpy. " 他真脾氣暴躁
grumpy(adj.): bad-tempered and sulky.
" He is digging me. " 他喜歡我.
dig(v.): like, appreciate or understand.
" The universe is a cruel and vexing puzzle. " 整個宇宙都是殘酷又惱人的問題
vexing(adj.): make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters.
" Be more articulate when you speak to the children. " 對孩子們說話時要口齒清晰一些
articulate(adj.): having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.
You're looking stoic today like a wise old oak. 你今天看起來清心寡欲就像一棵瑞智的老像樹
stoic(adj.) : to say a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.
I can see that by the absolutely no indicators on your face. 我可以從你那毫無表情的臉上看出來
indicator(n.): a thing, especially a trend or fact, that indicates the state or level of something.
He means metaphorically~ 他是在打個比方拉~
metaphorical(adj.): characteristic of or relating to metaphor; figurative.