看了幾集影集還滿多好學的XD 用google翻譯找了一些字的意思, 感覺還滿實用的咧!
神盾局特工 第二季 第三集 對話節錄
" I had a hunch. " 我有個預感
hunch(n.) : a feeling or guess based on intuition rather than known facts.
" What's best is you comply. Compliance will be rewarded. " 你最好順從, 順從就會被獎勵
comply(v.): (of a person or group) act in accordance with a wish or command.
" It has been a tad lonely. " 我有點孤僻
tad(adv.): a small amount of something.
" That would be the best-case scenario. " 那是最樂觀的猜想
" Most likely scenario......" 最有可能的情況(猜測)是....
senario(n.): a written outline of a movie, novel, or stage work giving details of the plot
and individual scenes.
" What do they give you? Money? Threats? Torture? Combo platter? " 他們給你什麼? 錢?....?以上皆是?
platter(n.): a large flat dish or plate, typically oval or circular in shape, used for serving food.
" I was escorted here by armed guards. " 我被帶著武器的人護送過來
escort(v.): accompany someone or something, especially for protection or security.
" Don't start getting paranoid on me. " 別胡思亂想(疑神疑鬼)
paranoid(adj.): of, characterized by, or suffering from the mental condition of paranoia(偏執).
" My folding skills are abysmal. " 我的摺疊(衣服)整理能力糟透了
abysmal(adj.): extremely bad; appalling.
神盾局特工 第二季 第四集 對話節錄
" They will need something more tangible. " 他們需要更實在的證據
tangible(adj.): perceptible by touch.
" Nostalgia is fine, but i'd like to deal with reality." 回想過去是不錯, 但我還是要面對現實
nostalgia(n.): a sentimental longing affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
" I should be thanking for your generous patronage. " 我應該感謝你的慷慨贊助
patronage(n.): the support given by a patron.
" Philanthropy is my passion." 慈善事業是我所熱誠的
philanthropy(n.): the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
"See? The exuberance of youth." 看吧~年輕力盛啊!
exuberance(n.): the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience.
" Pain at certain levels has a tendency to cause to black out. " 疼痛到達一定程度會讓你昏迷
blackout(n.): a temporary loss of consciousness.
其他還有很多好學, 劇情太精采就沒辦法停下來記錄了XDD 繼續多聽多學吧 :)