
迪士尼最新動畫力做大英雄兵團Big Hero6 太好看了!!! 果真, 迪士尼動畫團隊常常用 死亡 這個課題讓我們學習

最愛的人的離去一定會讓人失去理智, 但是如何能繼續走下去, 讓親人的精神伴隨著我們繼續生活著呢?

讓人又笑又哭的大英雄兵團是近幾年來看過最棒的動畫片之一了! 而裡面的台詞, 也很生活化, 讓我們一起來看看:

(粗體字是bighero6出現的, 例句是google的 哈哈)


Total annihilation! 完全殲滅!

annihilation(n.) 殲滅


hustle(n.) busy movement and activity. (v.)慌亂

Despite the crowded streets and lively nights, Hong Kong is not all hustle and bustle.


You knuckle head~ 你這個笨蛋~

knuckle(n.) 指關節


Who would heed!?! 誰會聽從阿!?! 

I heed the best I could to raise you. 我含辛茹苦的把你養大

heed(n.) 關心 (v.)聽從


I'm on a roll! There's no stopping me! 我正在風頭上! 沒什麼可以阻擋我!


Stress eating because of you! 我就是因為你暴飲暴食!


Excuse me! Coming through~~ 不好意思! 借過借過~~


blow me away. 讓我眼睛一亮


rattle me 嚇唬我

rattle(n.)(v.) a rapid succession of short, sharp, hard sounds. 


whine (n.)(v.) give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound

But would Nick complain if I whine too much about life in my practice?


Don't leave me hanging! 別讓我失望!


Your fly was down for the whole show. 你整個show褲檔拉鍊都沒拉


It always cracks me up. 讓我捧腹大笑

crack(v.) crack my eyes open slightly, only to be greeted by an almost blinding yellow light.


armpit (n.) a hollow under the arm at the shoulder.


There, there~~(摸頭) 乖乖(摸頭)


huggable (adj.) 可愛的


You look sick! 你看起來酷斃了!


Just an expresion~ 只是打個比方拉~


villain (n.) a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.


My brain hates my eyes for saying this! 我看到超出大腦所能承受範圍的東西!


apprehend (v.) arrest (someone) for a crime.


You can be way more! 你可以潛力無窮!


immortal (adj.) living forever; never dying or decaying.


quarantine (n.) a place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere

or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed


主角的哥哥不斷鼓勵他用不同的角度看問題, 有時倒著看世界, 或許就有不同的體悟

雖然是老掉牙的概念, 但這些想法偶爾還是要像主角哥哥一樣, 把他背在背上頭朝下抖一抖才會又想起來

當我們撞牆時, 用不同的看法把牆直接割爆或是從牆下穿過吧! 相信自己的聰明才智, 讓這世界因為你而更好




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